A General Rite of Offering

A General Rite of Offering

The General Rite of Offering was designed as a venue to worship, honor and make offerings to any beings among the Indo-European Kindred, with exception of those beings considered to be Outsiders to any given ritual setting. Specifically, this ritual was created to provide additional opportunities for the worship of the Indo-European Kindred in general, as opposed to high rituals focusing upon a specific Being(s) of the Occasion, as well as for Grove’s to be able to offer additional opportunities for worship within their diverse communities. This ritual has not been tied to any seasonal customs or any other specific purposes and has been intentionally created to provide hearth culture neutrality. The deities invited to provide Bardic Inspiration and to function as the Gatekeeper may be chosen from any Indo-European hearth culture.


During the preparation phase of our ritual the following activities are completed prior to initiating the rite. Upon arrival to the ritual site and prior to any ritual tools being unloaded or set up, we gather to invite and make offering to the Spirits of the Land. The Spirits of the Land are those beings attached in some way to the land we use for our worship. These spirits may be Nature Spirits, Ancestors or Deities that are often protectors and guardians of the land itself. Utilizing the following invocation, we ask for permission to worship upon the land and the Spirits of the Land are invited to join in our celebration, if they wish to do so.

Spirits of the Land
From the crossroads between Earth and Sky,
Upon the border of this Great Lake
And among those that dwell in this plane,
We call out to the spirits of this land.
Once more we assemble upon this ground and ask for the use of this place for our worship.

Deities of past and present peoples;
Guardians and protectors of this ground;
Those of you in tune with our purpose;
We invite you to share in our celebration.
Spirits of this Land, accept our offering!

An offering of milk and honey is made to the Spirits of the Land. While the offering is being made around our ritual area all who have gathered sing the chant: We Approach the Sacred Grove 3x’s to attune to the land, its spirits and each other. Once the chant and offering are complete all participants say the following.

Spirits of this Land, accept our offering!
All: Spirits of this Land, be welcome among us!

Following the invocation and offering to the Spirits of the Land we unload our ritual tools and other items necessary for our gathering. We set up our ritual space and our feasting hall prior to the arrival of guests.

After the Nemeton has been set up the waters for the well (which have been gathered from 3 water sources) are poured and blessed by an officiate using the following invocation or one of their own:
Water (as the waters are being poured)
With the power to create and destroy
And the strength of cleanse and purify,
Flowing from deep within the Earth.

Gathered from three wells for a sacred purpose.
Blessed is the water that will hallow and make holy our Nemeton!

The fire kindled with flint and steal and blessed by an officiate using the following invocation.

Fire (as the fire is kindled)
With the power to create and destroy,
And the strength to cleanse and purify.
Forging forth as flint strikes steel.

Kindled from the hearth’s flame for a sacred purpose.
Blessed is the flame that will hallow and make holy our Nemeton!

Once our Nemeton has been prepared we dress for ritual and a pre-ritual omen is taken. One rune or ogham is drawn for each of the three Kindred for the purpose of avoiding unforeseen problems within our ritual to come. Once the messages from the Kindred have been considered any necessary changes are made prior to proceeding. If the omen is good we proceed with our preparations.

Pre-Ritual Briefing
Once guests have arrived a Pre-Ritual briefing is facilitate, which discusses the purpose, intention and order of the upcoming ritual. Songs and chants to be used within the ritual are practiced at this time, as well as specific directions given for guest participation.


Grove Attunement
Following the pre-briefing, all participants are assembled for the Grove Attunement. The Grove Attunement is a guided meditation, which utilizes an adapted Two Power’s meditation. The Grove Attunement is intended to aid all participants to let go of negative thoughts or struggles, while connecting to the powers of Earth and Sky and to each other, as we unite as one people with a common purpose for the period of the rite.

Closing your eyes, take a few deep cleansing breaths.
Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
In through your nose and out through your mouth.
As you breathe, lay aside the worries, troubles and woes of the mundane world.

(pause for a 4 count)

We now stand between the Earth and Sky
Feel your feet firmly resting upon the Earth
Know that below us flows the primal waters,
Cold, dark and chaotic; filled with the potential of all life.
Allow the primal waters to enter your being.
Feel the coolness of the waters as they pool within your belly, within your heart and finally, within your head.

(pause for 8 count)

Reaching high into the sky above
Feel the illuminating radiance of the Heavens
Know that above us burns the primal fires,
Warm, light and ordered; filled with the spark of all life.

Allow the primal fire to enter your being.
Feel the warmth of the fires as they illuminate your mind, your heart and finally your spirit.

(pause for 8 count)

Feel the primal powers of Earth and Sky as they surge through you, lending strength and energy to your being.
(pause for 8 count)

As we open our eyes, know that we assemble as one folk to worship with a common purpose.

May our worship be true.
May our actions be just.
May our love be pure.
Blessings, honor and worship to the Holy Ones.

We begin our ritual by gathering in a single file line outside of our Nemeton. We process to our ritual space with a slow walk, while singing a chant or song. The song is repeated until all participants are within the Nemeton.

In Song
Come we now as a people
To gather together at the sacred well
Come we now as a people
To gather in the warmth and the light of the flame

© Stone Creed Grove, ADF

Repeat until all participants have entered the worship area.

Musical Signal
A musical signal, a bell, hammer striking an anvil, drum beat, etc. lets all who have gathered know the ritual has begun.


Honoring the Earth Mother and Sky Father
An opening prayer is given to honor and invite the Earth Mother and Sky Father, the primal Mother and Father of all, to our ritual. We have made a personal addition to the ADF Core Order of Ritual in our opening blessings with the inclusion of a Sky Father. The Earth Mother and Sky Father are not to be confused with the Neopagan concept of Lord and Lady, but are the primal mother and father of their pantheons. Our Earth Mother may be localized Earth Mother or chosen from among the Goddesses of Sovereignty from a hearth culture specific pantheon. The Sky Father deity honored in our opening blessings is the God of the Clear Sky or Day Sky. He is the embodiment of Sky power, the illuminating radiance of the Heavens. It is our belief that through the union of the Earth Mother and Sky Father that all life comes into being and true balance can be achieved.

Earth Mother

(kneeling at the well)

Ancient One of ever changing beauty
Primal Mother of Gods and Men
And Great Goddess of Sovereignty
We are renewed in your waters
Cradled within your mantel of green
And sustained by your abundance
Earth Mother, we call upon the life-giving magic of the Earth!

Sky Father

(standing at the sacred fire arms outstretched to the sky)

Flashing One of the Sun’s healing warmth
Brilliant Father of the Clear Sky
And Great God of the creative spark
We are purified between your flames
Strengthened through your radiant light
And prosper from your fertility
Sky Father, we call upon the illuminating power of the Sky!

Officiate inviting the Earth Mother and Sky Father together say:

Great Earth Mother and Sky Father,
Through your sacred union springs forth all life.
Mother and Father of all that was, of all that is and all that will be.
We come before you in love and respect and we ask that you uphold and bless our gathering!

An offering of white bread (1 whole round loaf) and clarified butter is made to the Earth Mother and Sky Father.

Earth Mother and Sky Father, accept our offering!
All: Earth Mother and Sky Father, be welcome among us!

Invocation for Bardic Inspiration *Optional.
An officiate may call upon a specific Deity to provide participants with the gift of inspiration and eloquence for the period of our worship. This deity is also called upon to aid us in communication with the Otherworld. The Deity of Bardic Inspiration can be a deity from any Indo-European hearth culture with the ability to provide such inspiration.

Goddess of Inspiration & Poetry
Great Mother of Song & Music
May our words echo in the sacred well.
May our hearts and minds burn with your eternal flame.
May our songs resonate upon the wind.
May you grant us the gift of inspiration and insight!

An offering of cream & honey is placed in the offering bowl for Brighid.

Lady Brighid, accept our offering!
All: Brighid, be welcome among us!

The statement of purpose is a brief statement of the purpose for the ritual. It explains the reasons we have gathered, who the Beings of the Occasion will be (if any) and is often accompanied by a storytelling based on Indo-European mythology to establish the historical precedent.

This eve we gather upon the Earth as one tribe;
To worship and honor the Kindred as one people;
We gather kin and clan beneath the Sky;
To make sacrifice to the Kindred;
Receiving their blessings in return.
May all who gather this eve be welcome among us!


The Outdwellers are defined by Whispering Lake Grove as beings of chaos that are not in tune with the purpose and intention of our ritual. The Outdwellers are addressed and given a token outside of our Southern fire in an attempt to control the chaos that enters our ritual space. The officiate placing the token to the Outdwellers does so just after the purpose of our ritual has been established. The items for the Outdwellers are usually given in an even number and are darker in color representing the chaotic nature of these beings. These items are given from the left hand, while avoiding eye contact. We strive not to offend or provoke, but to avoid establishing a guest/host relationship with any and all beings among the Outdwellers. During our rituals all present are asked to turn away and pay no attention to these beings as they are addressed to avoid establishing a relationship with them.


(at the Southern fire a token is placed for the Outdwellers)

Beings of chaos and discord!
Hoards, whose minds know not rest and whose spirits know not peace.
To all those, whose screams and cries, harmonize not with our songs and praise.
Know that this time and place we claim as ours!
You may have held it in the past, you may hold it in the future, but for now,
Let it be known that it is OURS!
We have given to you all that we intend to give.
May order reign and chaos trouble not our gathering!

Purification of Participants & Space
Participants are led in the following power raising chant:

With the powers to create and destroy
And the strength to cleanse and purify.

As the participant’s chant, blessed water is taken from our well and incense briquettes within a censor are lit from the sacred fire. Participates are sprinkled with water and censed with incense. Water is then sprinkled once around our ritual space to cleanse the space, followed by the incense for purification.

When all participants and the worship area is censed and asperged the following words are said:

Through the union of fire and water,
Our Nemeton is made whole and holy!
Once more we have met the threat of chaos with order and laid claim to this place. We have made sacred this space and time that we may worship and honor the Kindred as one people.

Creating the Group Mind & Affirmation of Unity
A ritual officiate will assist participants to re-establish group mind and reaffirm their connection to the Earth and Sky, followed by all chanting:
In Song

Deep Peace (Author Unknown)

Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the sacred flame
Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth
May peace, may peace, may peace fill your soul
Let peace, let peace, let peace make you whole.

Repeat chant 3 times


Consecration of Time
An officiate will take the participants to the time of cosmic beginning of Norse mythology or to the time of the coming of the Tuatha in Irish Celtic mythology due to the lack of a creation mythology for the Irish Celts. Other Indo-European creations myths may also be adapted for this purpose. This activity prepares the way for the convergence of the worlds and re-establishes group mind.

In the beginning and so too in the end; there was but fire and ice, and between them a vast emptiness.
To the North laid the ice and snow, frigid winds and fearsome storms ravaged the land.
To the South burned the fires, molten and glowing the dancing flames consumed all before them.
In the vast emptiness the warm breath mingled with the ice. The warm winds began to melt the ice and tiny drops of water began to form. Within the tiny drops of water new life began to stir and the powers to destroy life became the powers that created it.

The fire, well and tree are honored with a song or invocation and are prepared through offering to become the sacred center between land, sea and sky in preparation for opening the ways between the worlds.

Fire, Well & Tree (chant)
Fire, bright Fire
Gate to the Shining Ones
Fire, bright Fire
Our passage to the Sky
Fire, bright Fire
Warmth of our Community
Spark of Life
We honor you now

Incense is offered to the fire.

Well, deep Well
Gate to the Underworld
Well, deep Well
Our passage to the Sea
Well, deep Well
Wisdom of the Ancestors
Waters of Life
We honor you now

Silver is offered into the well.

Tree, great Tree
Gate that reaches everywhere
Tree, great Tree
With you we share the Land
Tree, great Tree
Our passage to the Otherworld
Source of Life
We honor you now.

The bile is asperged with water from the well and censed with incense.
Words & music by Pandora

Completing the Cosmology
Land, Sea and Sky are established, as well as the Underworld, Middle world and Heavens through invocation.

To Land, Sea & Sky
The waters support and surround us.
The land extends about us.
The sky stretches above us.
And at the center burns a living flame.
Let us pray with a good fire.
May all the Kindred bless us.
May our worship be true.
May our actions be just.
May our love be pure.
Blessings and honor and worship to the holy ones.

Land, Sea & Sky Text by Ceisiwr Serith


An invocation is spoken asking a Gatekeeper deity (a God/Goddess of the Threshold) to ward the way and facilitate communication between the worlds, as well as to assist in opening the gates. An offering is made to the Gatekeeper and all participants join in singing a power-raising chant prior to the gate opening. The Gatekeeper deity can be any Indo-European psycho pomp or liminal deity.

The magical portals (fire, well and tree) are then opened. The Bile or tree becomes a crossroads or axis between Earth and Sky, between this world and the Otherworld, where spirits and communication may travel freely between the worlds. The Sacred Fire is opened as a way to the Shining Ones, the Deities and the Sacred Well is opened as a way to the Mighty Dead, the Ancestors. Through these portals we send our love and worship in the form of prayers and offerings. The Kindred (The Noble Spirits, Mighty Dead and Shining Ones) in return send us their guidance, wisdom and blessings through the portals.

Manannan MacLir, it is your might and magic that wards the threshold.

Grey Rider of Aonbarr, we ask for your protection as we walk through the mist this night.
Mighty Lord of the Crossroads, as we travel between the worlds of man and Sidhe may you part the mist before us.

Irish whiskey is offered to Manannan.

Manannan MacLir, Mist Weaver, accept our offering!
All: Manannan, be welcome among us!

Let us raise our voices in song to the Gatekeeper!

All in song

Gatekeeper open the portals,
Between the Gods and mortals,
Power freely flows, as our magic grows!

Repeat chant three times
© Stone Creed Grove, ADF

Manannan, merge now your magic with ours!
See the flame leaping forth from the fire.
See the mist arising from the well,
Flame and mist converging upon the tree.
Forming a meeting place between the realms

Striking a sigil or triskel over the fire
Let the fire burning towards the heavens open as a gate that we may follow the way to the Shining Ones.

Striking a sigil or triskel over the well
Let the well whose depths reach the Underworld open as a gate that we may follow the way to the Mighty Dead.

Striking a sigil or triskel upon the tree
Let the tree, pathway between Earth & Sky, be open to us.
By the land before us!
By the seas about us!
By the sky above us!
Let the Gates Be Open!


We pray and make offering to the Kindred. We honor the Noble Spirits of the world around us, our animal companions, the green world, fairy folk and other non-human spirits. We honor the Mighty Dead, our Ancestors of blood, as well as those of spirit that have passed from this world. We honor and worship the Shining Ones, our Deities, asking them for their blessings in our lives. We end each invocation by all participants welcoming the Kindred among us.

Now that the world of the living and that of the spirit are one, we call out from the crossroads to the Mighty Kindred. Allies of the Middle Realm!

Noble Spirits
Beasts of legend and lore
Lurkers of mist and shadow
Creatures of fur, fin and feather
Allies of the Middle Realm

Beings of myth and magic
Messengers of the Otherworld
Dwellers of land, sea and sky
Watchers of this sacred ground!

Hear us, Spirits both great and small, for we are in need of your company!
Noble Spirits, join us in celebration this night!

Seeds and cream are offered upon the ground.

Noble Spirits, accept our offering!
All: Noble Spirits, be welcome among us!

Mighty Dead
Priests of magic and lore
Chieftains of kith and clan
Bringers of law and order
Mighty Ones of the realm below

Heroes of myth and legend
Warriors of strength and courage
Beloved Dead of blood and spirit
Ancestors of flesh and bone

Hear us, Teachers and Guides, for we are in need of your wisdom!
Mighty Dead, join us in celebration this night!

Beer and bread are offered.

Ancestors, accept our offering!
All: Ancestors, be welcome among us!

Shining Ones
Guardians of hearth and home
Protectors of kith and kin
Bringers of peace and plenty
Shining Ones of the realm above

Champions of honor and might
Wielders of war and destruction
Dwellers of light and shadow
Deities of land, sea and sky

Hear us Eldest and Brightest for we are in need of your blessings!
Shining Ones, join us in celebration this night!

Clarified butter and white bread are offered.

Shining Ones, accept our offering!
All: Shining Ones, be welcome among us!


Invitation of the Beings of the Occasion
For the purpose of this ritual the invitation to the Kindred to serves as the Key Offering. The Indo-European Kindred are the honored guests of the occasion.

Personal/Praise Offerings
Ritual participants are given an opportunity to make praise offerings in the form of poetry, song, dance, or works of their hands etc. These offerings of praise may be given to any among the IE Kindred. Praise is given freely and nothing is asked for in return. Ritual participants may also give a personal offering of thanks or petition the Kindred, if they wish.


The purpose of the Prayer of Sacrifice is to collect all of the energy, love and honor left within our ritual area intended for the Beings of the Occasion. Once collected this energy is to be sent through the gates just before the final sacrifice is made. A final sacrifice is prepared and given. It is at this point in the ritual that the energy that has been flowing through the gates from the participants now begins to flow back to us from the Beings of the Occasion in the form of blessings.

Through our praise, love and sacrifice;
We honor deities, as they walk among us.
Through communication with the Otherworld;
We receive their guidance, inspiration and insight.
Tonight we call out from the crossroads to our guests of honor!
As we prepare to make our final sacrifice.

The final sacrifice is prepared.

It is in love, honor and respect that we have offered hospitality to the Kindred this night.
We have sung their praise; made our sacrifice.
It is our hope that our words and sacrifice have conveyed our love.
We call once more through the Gates and deep within the Otherworld that all shall know of our devotion.
Mighty Kindred, we honor you.

The final sacrifice is made.

Kindred, accept our sacrifice!
All: Kindred, accept our sacrifice!

Participants meditate, sending their energies through the gates.

Let us raise our voices in song as the Kindred reveal their will.

In song
Come druid all, ovate and seers
And let your minds be still
Earth, sea and sky will lend no fears
As the gods reveal their will.

Let every heart sing praise to them
And all our works be skilled
Claiming their blessings to the very end.
As the gods reveal their will.

(Words by Sean Miller)


The Omen is taken utilizing a symbol set, for example, by drawing three Ogham or three Runes. The type of symbol set utilized and the number of symbols drawn may very. The primary purpose of the Omen is to give the Beings of the Occasion a voice, as we ask if they have accepted our praise, offerings and sacrifice. The secondary purpose of the Omen is to preview the blessing and receive guidance; wisdom, inspiration, insight, warnings or other messages the Beings of the Occasion may have for us. The Grove Seer gives a brief interpretation and explanation for participants to contemplate each message.


Blessings are call down from the Beings of the Occasion

Two pitchers will be filled and sat in the midst of the hallows. The following words will be spoken over the pitchers.

As in the ways of old we have given our gifts freely and as in the ways of old a gift is given unto us in return.
We will drink deep of the Cup of Inspiration. May the blessings of health, wealth and wisdom be ours.
Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!

All: Kindred, your blessings upon us!

We gather with you between Earth and Sky. We are proud to call ourselves your people.
Once again, Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!

All: Kindred, your blessings upon us!

We have brought our offerings. We have made sacrifice.
One last time, Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!

All: Kindred, your blessings upon us!

The pitchers are lifted saluting the fire, well and tree.


The Blessings of the Beings of the Occasion are invoked into the Waters.

Behold the Waters of Life!
Mighty Kindred, hear and bless us.
Noble Ones, hallow these waters of life.
Mighty Ones, hallow these waters of life.
Shining Ones, hallow these Waters of Life.

Lifting the pitchers before the participants.
Behold the Waters of Life!
All: Behold the Waters of Life!


The participants are asked if they wish to receive the Blessings of the Being(s) of the Occasion. Upon receiving affirmation the Waters of Life are passed and shared among the participants. As the Waters are shared, it is customary to sing a song or chant until all have had an opportunity to receive the blessing.

Now Good folk, do you wish to receive the blessings of our honored guests? _____________. Then we shall drink deep the blessings of the Kindred!

The Waters are passed and all participants share the waters. As the waters are passed participants sing the following song.

In song

Pour the waters, raise the cup, drink your share of wisdom deep, strength and love now fill us up as the elder ways we keep.

© Stone Creed Grove, ADF


Any work that may need to be done on behalf of the community may be performed, as needed, during this section of the ritual.


All of the participants thank the powers that have attended us during the ritual in reverse order. Each Being that was invited to join our celebration is given a token of thanks. The Earth Mother and Sky Father are not thanked until later in the ritual.

Shining Ones, Eldest and Brightest. May you continue to guide and bless us as we walk this path. Shining Ones, known and unknown, we thank you for your blessings and guidance this eve. (a final token is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Shining Ones, we thank you!

Mighty Dead of blood and spirit, those who inspire and guide us in our lives. Beloved Dead we thank you for the wisdom you have shared with us. (a final token is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Mighty Dead, we thank you!

Noble Spirits of land, sea and sky, Companions who aid and guide us in our journey. Noble Spirits, we thank you for sharing your knowledge and protection. (a final token is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Noble Spirits, we thank you!

Lady Brighid, Great Mother of Song and Music. We thank you for your blessings of inspiration and eloquence. (a final token is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Brighid, we thank you!


The Gatekeeper is thanked and receives a final token of thanks. The Gates between the worlds are closed.

Manannan MacLir, Weaver of Gray Mists; we thank you for your protection and guidance as we have walked between the worlds this night. (A final token is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire

All: Manannan, we thank you!

Manannan Mac Lir, Great Guardian of the Threshold, we now, ask that you close the gates, warding the way between the worlds once more.
Let the fire burning towards the heavens once more become but flames.
Let the well whose depths reach the Underworld once more become but water.
Let the tree, pathway between Earth & Sky, become but wood.
By the land before us!
By the seas about us!
By the sky above us!
Let the Gates be closed!


Just prior to the conclusion of our ritual, the Earth Mother and Sky Father are thanked and all that has gone unused is returned to the Earth and Sky.

Illuminating One of the Sky, may you continue to show us the way to courage and right. Bright Father of the Clear Sky, we thank you for the strength and healing warmth you have given us. (a final token is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Sky Father, we thank you!

Ancient One of Ever Changing Beauty, may you continue to renew and sustain us. Primal Mother of the Gods and Man, we thank you for all life. (a final token is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Earth Mother, we thank you!

We now return all that has gone unused to the Earth and the Sky, may they continue to support, surround and sustain us. All offerings that remain are burnt in the fire or scattered upon the Earth.


Unmerging, Regrounding & Recentering: Meditation
Participants take part in a final meditation for the purpose of grounding and centering energy from the ritual.

Good folk, join me once more as we close our eyes; breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth
(pause for a 2 count).
As the mighty oak is part of the forest, we are all part of the great circle of life. Remember the blessings we have received together this night (pause).
As we stand between Earth and Sky
Once more feel your feet firmly resting upon the Earth
Know that below us flows the primal waters.
Once more feel the coolness of the waters that have pooled within your belly, within your heart and finally, within your head.
(pause 4 count)
Reaching high into the sky above
Feel the illuminating radiance of the Heavens.
Know that above us burns the primal fires.
Once more feel the warmth of the fires that have illuminated your mind, your heart and finally your spirit.
(pause 4 count)
Feel the primal powers of Earth and Sky surging through you, as they have given strength and energy to your being. (pause 4 count)
Keep of this power what you need, sending what remains forth from our beings into the Great Lake (pause). See this energy heal and protect her as we conclude our worship.

May all that is be what was, that it may be again!

Musical Signal
A musical signal lets all who have gathered know the ritual has ended.

All: We will keep the faith until the sky falls upon us and crushes us; until the earth opens and swallows us; until the seas arises and overwhelm us.

At the conclusion of our ritual, participants leave the ritual space in song until all have left the Nemeton.

The sky fuels the waters
And the waters sustain the skies
We walk together from this place
With the honored as our guides

Strong in our purpose
We balance and survive
From many wells of fortitude
Our spirits are revived


Joyous in our sharing
We honor dead and alive
With voices of sacred wisdom
We travel the path of our lives


Fulfilled in our learning
Our souls will always thrive
In our varied hearts and minds
We keep the sacred for all time


lyrics by Moon Dragon

General Rite of Offering
(Unless otherwise credited)
Ritual text written by
Raven & Carrion Mann


Page Information:
"A General Rite of Offering." submitted by info-manager on 15 May, 2019. Last modified on 19 February, 2022.
Page URL: https://www.adf.org/rituals/general/general-offering-rite.html

Related Pages: Offering

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