Blessing Rite

Blessing Rite

The Grove is prepared with the water cauldron, fire or fire candles, and censer. There may be a small Bile, or this may be dispensed with for small group rites. There is a cup or cups for drinking memory and blessing, and material for the Fire of Sacrifice.

Grove Attunement

All work the Two Powers centering. All take nine full breaths then the priest/ess sounds nine knells or knocks.

Opening Prayers

All then say:

We are here to keep the old ways.
O Shining Ones, hear us as we pray you
As Children of the Earth.
Let our call come unto you
With honor and truth,
As we work the work of wisdom.
Mighty Mother of All, First Goddess,
Bless and uphold this rite
We pray you with love and reverence.

Fire Well and Tree

The well is elevated and the silver offered, saying:

Waters of wisdom
Waters of love
Waters of life
O Mother of All,
Be present in these waters
And in this grove
Sacred well flow within me.

An offering is made to the Fire, saying:

Fire of inspirations
Fire of transformation
Fire of sacrifices
O Light of Inspiration
Be present in this fire
And in this grove
Sacred fire, burn within me.

Purpose & Precedent

The priest/ess gives a welcome and description of the intention, if needed.


Taking up the water, the Druid passes it around the circle, each sprinkling the water around the perimeter and on themselves, as all repeat as many times as necessary:

By the might of the Primal Waters,
This grove is made sacred.
Let the Sea not rise,
And let no ill nor bane
Pass these encircling waters.

Taking up the censer, she passes it around the circle, each wafting the incense around the perimeter and on themselves, as all repeat as many times as necessary:

By the light of the Sacred Fire,
This grove is enchanted.
Let the Sky not fall,
And let only blessing
Be welcome at this fire.

All join hands, or make contact again, saying:

The Sacred Grove stands firm and true,
In Land, Sea and Sky,
Below and on high.
Let the Land hold fast beneath us.
The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree
Flow and Flame and Grow in me.
Thus is the Sacred Grove
Claimed and hallowed!

Opening the Gates

He makes offering to the MacLir, saying:

Gray One of the Borders,
Lord of the Isle of Apples,
Teacher of the Wise,
Fosterer of Heroes,
Keeper of the Roads and Ways:
Hold open the way
Between the Worlds, we pray.
Gatekeeper: accept our sacrifice!

All envision the triskel gate in the center of the grove, and the priest/ess makes a deosil triskel over the fire, saying:

By the Lord of the Borders,
And by our magic,
Let this sacred center be
As the boundary between all worlds:
Let the gate be open!

Kindred Offerings

In this model, the key offerings are replaced with three passings of the horn of memory and honor, one round for each of the three kindreds. Honoring each of the kindreds proceeds in this outline:

  1. The priest/ess, or a chosen speaker, takes up the horn and fills it with ale. She gives the general invocation to the kindred being honored.
  2. The horn passes sunwise. As each receives it, he may speak in honor of the members of the kindred with whom he has a relationship. For instance, he might honor his own genetic/cultural ancestors, or those heroes that inspire/guide him. She may name her animal/plant allies or her companions among the sidhe. She will name her patron deities and any other God/desses she wishes. After speaking, each drinks.
  3. After all have spoken and drunk, the speaker fills the horn again, and/or prepares another offering, and speaks the second part of the kindred.


O Mighty Ones
Our Ancestors, Our Kindred:
We, your children honor you.
You whose life and death creates our lives;
You whose wisdom upholds our wisdom;
Hear us as we name you, and invite you to our fire...

Pass the horn.

O Mighty Ancestors,
We honor your presence
Offering our love and worship.
Be with us in our grove
And in our hearts
And accept this gift
In token of our kinship.

The offering is made. All cry:

Ancestors: accept our sacrifice!


O Noble Ones, our Allies
With whom we share the worlds;
You who fill the land with wonder;
Spirits of Stone and Stream, Red and Green;
Tribes of Spirits, the Peoples of the Otherworld:
Hear us as we name you, and invite you to our fire...

Pass the horn.

O Noble Spirits,
We honor your presence
Offering our love and worship.
Be with us in our grove
And in our hearts
And accept this gift
In token of our friendship.

The offering is made. All cry:

Spirits: accept our sacrifice!


O Shining Ones, our Elders,
Goddesses and Gods;
O Wisest and Mightiest;
You who sustain all the worlds;
First Children of the Mother, the Tribe of the Goddess:
Hear us as we name you and invite you to our fire...

Pass the horn.

O Shining Deities,
We honor your presence
Offering our love and worship.
Be with us in our grove
And in our hearts
And accept this gift
In token of our friendship.

The offering is made. All cry:

Shining Ones: accept our sacrifice!

Sacrifice and Omen

After all the kindreds have been offered to, the Grove vision is reestablished and the presence of the host of spirits is acknowledged. A final offering is prepared, along with the bit of sacred Fire. The company chooses a chant or wordless call, and raises energy through rhythm, drumming and song. At the height of the chant, all fall into silence, and the prayer of sacrifice is made and the offering given:

Now, let our voices arise on the fire;
Let our voices resound in the well;
Let our call pass the gate to the land of spirits.
Holy kindreds: Gods, Dead and Sidhe:
The Children of Earth
Send you love and honor with this gift.
Holy Ones, accept our sacrifice!

The offering is given. An omen is taken, saying:

Holy ones, we have honored you.
And now, we pray you bless us in turn,
As a gift calls for a gift.
Reveal to us now what blessing you offer
In return for our sacrifice!

The omen is interpreted, and the folk are led to devise a boon or request based on the offers of the powers.

The Blessing

The folk call for the blessing, saying:

As Children of Earth,
We call for the blessing of the Ancient Ones.
Together we cry:
Shining Ones, give us the waters!
We join our hearts, that each of us be blessed.
Together we cry:
Shining Ones, give us the waters!
And as we are blessed, let all the Worlds be blessed.
Together we cry:
Shining Ones, give us the waters!

The Druid pours the Blessing into the horn, saying:

We draw water from the Well of Wisdom,
We pour the Ale of Inspiration.

The horn is elevated, saying:

O Mighty, Noble and Shining Ones,
We have given to you,
And now we ask you to bless us in turn,
As a gift calls for a gift.
Hallow these waters, O holy powers.
Grant us the blessing we seek.
May the Wisdom, Love and Power
Of the Gods, Dead and Sidhe,
Flow in this Horn of Blessing.
Behold: the Waters of Life!

The horn is passed, and all drink. As the horn passes, a meditation is led to attune all to the blessing. One such might be:

We take up the chalice of Joy and Power,
The cup of Fire and Shadow that stirs the soul.
Let us taste the Waters of Wisdom's Well;
Let us drink the Ale of Inspiration.
We open ourselves to the Blessing of the Powers:
Lead us in the Elder Ways;
Guide our walk through our life's road,
Through our destiny's song.
Ancient and Wonderful Powers,
Shining Gods, Mighty Dead, Noble Sidhe:
Come into us here in our Grove
To share and join in our work.
May your magic awaken in our blood,
For we are all your children.
Flow in us, Power of Magic;
Shine in our Loins;
Shine in our Hearts;
Shine in our Heads.
Let there be no part of us
That is not of the Gods!

The Spell

Those who wish will have brought candles, talismans, etc. to be blessed for their personal intentions. The candles/talismans are now put by the Hallows, as each makes a simple statement of their need or intention. The company then raises power, usually by a simple, repetitive chant, such as:

All: We are one, we are one... (repeat ad infinitum)

Descant: In this task we've begun
What we will shall be done...

This should be accompanied by drums, and build well and strong. If desired, each candle or item may be passed round the ring to receive the blessing of each, returning it to the altar after one round. At the druid's signal, the drums and chant stop suddenly. In the silence, all direct their energy to the altar with imagination and breath. The leader may give some suggestions to accomplish this. Those with needs visualize their goals, as all join in working for the good of all. A final re-centering and declaration of ending finishes the work.


The Gatekeeper is thanked and the gate closed, saying:

Keeper of Gates,
Lord of Ways:
For watching and warding
The ways between,
We give you our thanks.
Now, let the Fire be but flame;
Let the Well be but water;
Let all be as it was before,
Save only for the magic
We have made.
Let the gates be closed!

Center is renewed one final time, and all balanced. Then all recite the Great Blessing:

We offer our thanks:
To the Mother of All.
We offer our thanks:
To the Gods, Dead and Spirits.
May the Three Sacred Kins
Bring joy to all beings
And renew the Ancient Wisdom.
To the Fire, Well and Tree:
We offer our thanks.
May Wisdom, Love and Power
Kindle in all beings
And renew the Ancient Wisdom.
To the Earth, Sea and Sky:
We offer our thanks.
May the Ancient Wisdom be renewed,
And may all beings know:
Peace, Joy and Happiness
In all the worlds.
So be it!


Page Information:
"Blessing Rite." submitted by Ian Corrigan on 15 May, 2019. Last modified on 19 February, 2022.
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