Maitag Rituals

Maitag Rituals

Walburgis is also known as "Maitag" for "May Day" and, as you might expect, is usually celebrated at the beginning of May. Corresponding with the Celtic high day called Beltane, many groves set up the traditional "Maypole". This is a tall pole from which ribbons hang, and ritual attendees each take a ribbon and dance around the pole (usually going "over-under") until all the ribbons have wound around the pole. The Maypole is often left standing either until the next High Day celebration or throughout the year. This time of year is typically associated with fertility in both plants and humans.


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"Maitag Rituals." submitted by info-manager on 15 Maio, 2019. Last modified on 19 Fevereiro, 2022.
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