Earth Mother Prayer

Earth Mother Prayer

I was asked to do a prayer to honor the Earth Mother at an Earth Day inter-faith service a few years ago.  People are welcome to it if anyone wants it as something more along the lines of a devotional.

--- Rev. Kathleen Pezza

Giver of life, great Mother Earth, 
To each of the Kindred you gave birth:
Children of wisdom, cunning and skill;
Children of wing, leaf, paw and gill;
Children of sword, book, plow and drum;
God, Man and Spirit, from you we come.

Lady of river, grain, milk and sea,
Source of the land's fertility: 
Provider of each herb, bush and tree;
Provider of each fish, cow and bee;
Provider of each gem, stone and ore;
With your bounty, we want for no more.

Queen of the Tribe, beauty pristine,
Adorned in blue, white, brown and green,
Chooser of leaders, wife of the king,
Chooser of heroes, their victory bring,
Chooser of price for those who defy,
On your good will we ever rely.

In COoR rituals, you may use this for the Thanking/Closing section where needed.

Giver of life, great Mother Earth, 
To each of the Kindred you gave birth,
Lady of river, grain, milk and sea,
Source of the land's fertility,
We thank you for all the gifts that you give,
This beautiful world, on which we live.


Page Information:
"Earth Mother Prayer." submitted by Kpezza on 15 Maio, 2019. Last modified on 19 Fevereiro, 2022.
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