General Welsh Liturgy

General Welsh Liturgy

This ritual was written and performed prior to the development of our current Order of Ritual in 2006. It is archived here for historical reference only, and does not reflect a current ADF ritual.


A. Arrangement

1. Prepare the Nyfed: Altars, Tools, offerings, etc.
2. Brief the Celebrants: How, when & why
3. Individual Meditations & Preparations

B. Beginning

1. Musical Signal to establish clear-cut beginning of Rite
2. The Processional & Chant
3. Call to Worship
4. Unity Chant: "The People of the Oak"
5. Acknowledgment of the Outsiders
6. Ask Brid for Bardic Assistance:
7. Ritual Purpose & Precedent & Name Deities of the Occasion

C. Consecration

1. Purification(s) of Priests and Participants
2. Define Sacred Center: "All is One" Prayer

D. Devotion

1. Honor Don & An Dagda
2. Invoke Gatekeeper: Manawydan son of Llyr
3. Invoke the Three Kindreds: Nature Spirits, Ancestors and Gods
4. Invoke Gods:
a. Brid, Llew, Modron & Cernunnos: Open the Gates
b. Optional: Invoke Special Deities of the Occasion
c. Optional: Invoke Math, if magic is to be employed

E. Exchange

1. Praise Offerings, Dance, Libations, etc.
2. The Sacrifice & Prayer of Acceptance
3. Seeking the Omen of Return
4. Meditation upon Personal and Group Needs
5. Reception of Blessings from Deities
6. Consecration and Sharing the Waters of Life
7. Acceptance of Individual Blessings
8. Optional: Spell Casting
9. Optional: Rite of Passage

F. Farewells

1. Thank Gods
a. Optional: Math
b. Optional: Special Deities of the Occasion

c. Brid, Llew, Modron & Cernunnos
2. Thank Three Kindreds: Nature Spirits, Ancestors & Gods
3. Thank Manawydan & Close the Gates
4. Honor Don & An Dagda
5. Ending Chant: People of the Oak
6. Final Benediction
7. Musical Signal


A. Arrangement

1. Prepare the Nyfed: Altars, Tools, offerings, etc.

LD & ED: Central Altar table (Exact Center of Nyfed)
ED: Covered with White Cloth
LD: Bilé through Center of Altar
LD: God & Goddess Lamps on Bilé

Bell - on Bilé
Chalice on East edge
Sword on South edge
Sickle on West edge
Wand on North edge
Sacrificial Oil at North-East
Sacrificial Liquor at North-East
Seeds at North-west
Goblets - East and West of Bilé
Three cauldrons: Earth, Water & Incense - North, West & East of Bilé
Bottle of Whisky - North of Bilé
Mistletoe & Oak tinctures - North of Bilé

ED: Brid's Well filled with Charged Water (North-west of Central Altar)

Myr: Fire Urn (North-east of Central Altar)
Supply of kindling
Supply of hard wood
Flammable spirits & Lighter

Jade: Brid's Altar (at edge of Circle on East). Covered with Blue Cloth & Ribbons
Blue Candle
Pitcher of water (extra water under table)
Sea Shells, Flowers and buds

Llew's Altar (at edge of Circle on South side). Covered with Yellow Cloth & Ribbons
Yellow Candle
Sunflower Seeds
Lion carving

Modron's Altar (at edge of Circle on West side). Covered with Red Cloth & Ribbons
Red Candle
Food of the Season, Dried Grains

Cernunnos' Altar (at edge of Circle on North). Covered with Black Cloth & Ribbons
Black Candle
Divination Tools
Feathers, Antlers, Pine Cones
Small bottle of gunpowder - North of Bilé

2. Bard: Brief the Celebrants: How, when & why

What is Ritual?

A ritual is a certain set of actions that have an expected result. Brushing your teeth before bed is a ritual. So is saying "Bless you" when someone sneezes or "Thank you" when someone hands you a hanky.

Religious ritual is a more formalized and elaborate set of actions designed to deepen our relationship with the Divine and result in specific blessings, or benefits. Almost all religious ritual is performed in a consecrated area. That means a place that has been set aside as special, purified of unwholesome influences and dedicated to spiritual purposes.

Whereas most modern religious rituals are performed in permanent churches, synagogues or temples that have already been set aside and kept pure for religious purposes, Neopagan rituals are usually performed outdoors, often in a different place each time. In order for the space we use to be consecrated, it must be temporarily
'cut off' from regular space and purified and made holy for religious use. Before that is done, the Priests and the Celebrants must be purified themselves.

When we enter the Grove, or Nyfed, as it's called in Welsh, we will walk in a circle to define the sacred area. Later the Priests will purify themselves and all of us and further cut off the area as sacred space.

How is Druid Ritual different from Judeo-Christian Ritual?

A Jew or a Christian goes to their God as a supplicant, asking for blessings to be bestowed as an act of faith or mercy. They believe themselves to be special and above the natural world and ask their God to reinforce that privileged status.

The Druid goes to the Gods as a partner, doing his or her part and expecting the Gods to fulfill their part, as well. The Druid knows from tradition, knowledge and experience that these ritual acts will produce certain expected positive results. Druids believe that all of Nature is spiritual and that we are just an intimate part of a huge whole. We ask the Gods, our ancestors and the various spirits of Nature to help us be more connected with the Earth and all the animals and plants that live on Her.

How is Druid Ritual different from Wiccan Ritual?

The Wiccan Ritual is characterized by forming a protective circular enclosure that is between the worlds, but not part of either, generating a charge of energy inside, then releasing it, upon command, to do the requested work.

The Druid Ritual is characterized by establishing a central reference point (or 'Gateway') in common between this world and the Otherworld, sending our energy into the Otherworld in the form of physical sacrifices and praise offerings and directing the natural return of energy to where we feel it will do the most good.

What will happen?

There are three important aspects to our worship: Ritual, Sacrifice and Trance. We've already explained ritual - a set of actions that produce an expected result. All of the actions and words we use are designed to lead our minds closer to communion with the Gods.

Central to our Rite will be the Sacrifice, which means to make sacred. We will offer words and songs of praise, food, drink and other precious things to our Gods. Everyone may participate in this and all of you are encouraged to say a few words of thanks to the Gods or to speak from your heart in praise of them.

We are not normally in direct contact with the Otherworld because we are usually so busy with the day to day affairs of this one. Our Ritual is designed to lead you to a state of deep relaxation, or Trance, where it will be easier for you to connect with the Otherworld and receive the blessings of the Gods. You can help by trying to visualize the flow of energy as it is described throughout the Ritual. You can visualize the space being set apart and purified. You can visualize the Gates between the Worlds being opened, then opened wider. You can visualize our offerings going up to the Gods and their Blessings coming down into the Waters of Life for all to share.

Gadael hi bod

There are a few phrases that you can repeat as they are said during the Ritual. The most common one is Gadael hi bod which is Welsh for "Let it Be!" We say that after any statement of desire or blessing. Try it: Gadael hi bod!

Waters of Life

After the final sacrifice we will direct the Blessings of the Gods to enter into two goblets –one containing Whisky and the other containing Ritual Water. We call these "The Waters of Life". You can drink from either, both or pour a little onto the ground, or into the Fire. As you do, you can say: "Behold! The Waters of Life!"


Practice the Chants

There will be three songs that we will sing together to help build a sense of unity, community and purpose. Let's practice them now so you'll feel comfortable singing with feeling during the Ritual. The first will be as we proceed from here to the Nyfed. It goes:

By the Earth beneath us, By the Sea surrounding us,
By the Sky above us, We come unto the Gods.

Next is the Unity Chant which is called the People of the Oak and it goes like this:

We are the people of the Oak, Gathered at the sacred well.
Joined here the Old Ones to invoke, So to weave our magic spell.
We are the children of the wood, Standing in the faerie ring.
Here where the mighty ones have stood, Praises to the Gods we bring.

Finally, the closing chant

Between the Worlds we made a circle,
Never ending, universal,
We are filled with Spirit power,
Send it down, complete the chain.

3. Individual Meditations & Preparations

B. Beginning

1. Musical Signal to establish clear-cut beginning of Rite
Priest gives a loud signal from the Grove - (Conch, Drum, Gong, etc.)
to let the Celebrants know it is time to begin the Processional

2. The Processional & Chant

All the Celebrants, led by the Bard and Fire Tender with lit Torch

By the Earth beneath us,
By the Sea surrounding us,
By the Sky above us
We come unto the Gods.

They walk around circle Deosil one complete time

3. Call to Worship

Priest, walks to Central Altar, turning to face all:

"People of the Oak, Friends of the Earth, Children of the Mother,
We call you all to join us now in Sacred Worship."

4. Unity Chant

Bard leads Celebrants:

"We are the people of the Oak
Gathered at the sacred well.
Joined here the Old Ones to invoke
So to weave our magic spell.
We are the children of the wood
Standing in the faerie ring.
Here where the mighty ones have stood
Praises to the Gods we bring."

5. Acknowledgment of the Outsiders

Priest, walks to South Altar and faces out: (People face inwards)

"To all of those who do not yet hear the call inside them to honor our Gods,
We ask you just to be silent for a while and leave us alone.
In the same way, all of the noisy parts of ourselves can remain silent at this time,
So we may be left alone with our loving thoughts, words and deeds."

6. Ask Brid for Bardic Assistance:

Bard: Dearest Bhrid, Matron of Poets, inspirer and healer,
Lend me your divine inspiration
Let me uplift our hearts with Your words.

7. State Ritual Purpose & Precedent

Name and describe Deities of the Occasion

C. Consecration

1. Purification(s) of Priests and Participants

Priestess picks up pitcher of water from Brid's Altar and walks to Brid's Well
Priest meets her at Well
Priest ladles some water from the Well, into the pitcher
They walk to the East Altar, Priest picks up the towel
Continue until outside of the Circle of Celebrants
Ps pours water over hands of P who washes and touches face
Priest then dries hands with towel and takes pitcher.
P pours water onto hands of Ps then gives her the towel. She dries her hands.
P continues clockwise, pouring water in a circle outside the celebrants
P makes sure a few drops get onto the hands of each celebrant.
Ps carries towel to dry their hands.
When they make complete circuit, they put towel & pitcher on Brid's Altar
They walk to Central Altar

Priestess: "The people are now purified and ready to Consecrate this Nyfed."

Fire Tender walks Deosil around outside of Celebrants, carrying Torch
Fire Tender walks to Center and lights Fire from Torch

Fire Tender: "This Space is now Sacred and ready to be Consecrated."

FT returns to North Altar

2. Define Sacred Center

Priest: (to celebrants) Please join hands.
(Priest Rings Bell)
Both, in unison, facing each other: "All is One,
Originally, Essentially, Eventually
All is One
One is All
Infinitely, Joyously, Eternally.
One is All.
All is One, One is All, All is One.

We stand at the Center of the Worlds
At the Center of Space
At the Center of Time.

By the power of the Fire, the Well and the Tree
This Sacred Space is now Purified and Holy.
The Nyfed is Consecrated.

D. Devotion

1. Honor Don and An Dagda

(Fire Tender brings torch to Center, lights match from it and hands match to Ps; He returns to North Altar)
Celestial Don, our first Mother
Queen of Heaven, Earth's delight
Child's Nurse and Man's Receiver
Gentle Comforter of the Night.

You are represented here by Brid's Well,
Charged with Water from nine sacred Rites.

(Ps plants seeds in ditch and waters them with ladle)
I offer you this gift of seeds to further spread your beauty
And to thank You for being with us always.

(Fire Tender brings torch to Center, lights match from it and hands match to P; He returns to North Altar)
Great An Dagda, Giving Father
King of Heaven, Force of Right.
Creative Spark and our Protector,
Glorious, Mighty, God of Light.

You are represented here by Llew's Fire Urn,
Kindled with fire from our own hearth and home.

I offer you this gift of rare olive oil to feed your fire
And to thank you for being with us always.

(P & Ps face Bilé and raise hands)

2. Invoke Gatekeeper: Manawydan son of Llyr

"Manawydan, son of Llyr, brother of Bran and Branwen,
Faithful friend of Pryderi and Husband of Rhiannon,
King of the Sea, Patron of voyagers,
Open the Gates between the Worlds, we pray to you.
Open our eyes and our ears and our hearts to the Gods,
So we may Commune with You and be Blessed.
Manawydan, open the Gates."

(P & Ps walk to East Altar)

3. Invoke the Three Kindreds

Nature Spirits

<Triad Invoker 1 walks to Central Altar & picks up the Cauldron of Soil>
Spirits of Nature, the Sidhe, and the Fey,
I reach across the Veil with my words,
And call to You.

Spirits of the Animals,
Bird and Beast, Fish and Fowl,
I call you into this Sacred Soil.

Spirits of the Plants,
Sacred and ancient Trees,
I call you into this Sacred Soil.

Spirits of the Land,
Earth, Water, Air and Fire,
I call you into this Sacred Soil.

I call you with the stones of the mountain tops.
I call you with the sand of the long, white beaches,
I call you with the loam of the ancient forests,

I bid you: Enter this Soil now!
That we may be Blessed, Guided and Inspired
By our Communion with you. Gadael hi bod!
(Participants say: Gadael hi bod!)

<Walk over to participant nearest the East Altar, make the Awen mark /|\ on her forehead, saying:>
With this Soil,
Celebrate your Communion
With the Spirits of Nature.
(She says: "Gadael hi bod!)

<Walk around circle clockwise, doing same to each person>
<After doing Priest, Priest takes cauldron and does you,>
<then hands cauldron back. You take Cauldron back to Central Altar>


<Triad Invoker 2 walks to Central Altar & picks up the Cauldron of Water>
Mothers and Fathers, Old Ones, and Ancestors,
I reach across the Veil with my words, And call to You.

Mothers and Fathers of our Families, Parents of our Parent's Parents,
I call you into this Sacred Water.

Old Ones of this Land, Loving Tribes of Caretakers,
I call you into this Sacred Water.

Ancestors of our Culture, Ancient worshippers of our Gods,
I call you into this Sacred Water.

I call you with the water of the deep blue oceans,
I call you with the water of the gentle rains,
I call you with the water of the darkest wells.

I bid you: Enter this Water now! That we may be Blessed, Guided and Inspired
By our Communion with you. Gadael hi bod!
(Participants say: Gadael hi bod!)
<make the Awen mark on the forehead>
With this Water, Celebrate your Communion, With the Ancestors.
("Gadael hi bod!")


<Triad Invoker 3 walks to Central Altar & picks up the Cauldron of Incense>
Bright and Shining Gods and Goddesses,
I reach across the Veil with my words, And call to You.

Spirit of the Divine that creates and pervades everything, Infinite, Joyous, Eternal,
I acknowledge you in this Sacred Air.

Spirits of the Mother and Father of the Gods, Glorious Don and Great An Dagda,
I worship you in this Sacred Air.

Spirits of all the Gods and Goddesses:
Most especially Bhrid and Llew, Modron and Cernunnos,
I honor you in this Sacred Air.

I call you with our memories of the past.
I call you with our desires for the present.
I call you with our vision of the future.

I humbly bid you: "Sanctify this Air for us, if you please!"
That we may be Blessed, Guided and Inspired
By our Communion with you. Gadael hi bod!

(" Gadael hi bod!")
<with a feather, waft incense smoke over each participant, saying:>
With this Air, Celebrate your Communion, With the Gods.
("Gadael hi bod!")

<Ends with P, P wafts Ps,
P goes to South Altar, Ps goes to Central Altar>

4. Invoke Brid, Llew, Modron & Cernunnos: Open the Gates

(In order to use the power of the three Realms, each Gate Warden will call themselves by the name of an honored, deceased relative, while walking in a specific Earthly direction, while carrying the Tool of one of the Gods.)

Gate Warden 1 approaches East side of Altar and picks up the Chalice of Brid:

"I, descendent of _______, hold the Chalice of Brid.
Brid the Healer Brid the Inspirer, Brid the Hearth-keeper.
Join us Bhrid and fill us with Love and Health and Inspiration!"
(lower Tool to chest height)

Gate Warden 2 approaches South side of Altar and picks up the Sword of Llew:

"I, descendent of ______, hold the Sword of Llew.
Llew Llaw Gyffes -- the Bright One with the Deft Hand,
Llew the Many Skilled, Llew the Long Arm,
Join us Llew and fill us with Passion, Skill and Joy!"
(lower Tool to chest height)

Gate Warden 3 approaches West side of Altar and picks up the Sickle of Modron:

"I, descendent of _______, hold the Sickle of Modron.
Modron, the Great Mother, mother of Mabon,
Modron, the Harvester, Modron, Goddess of Fertility.
Join us Modron and satiate us with Abundance, Sensuality and Ecstasy!"
(lower Tool to chest height)

Gate Warden 4 approaches North side of Altar and picks up the Wand of Cernunnos:

"I, descendent of ______, hold the Wand of Cernunnos.
Herne, the Horned God, Torc-wearer, Torc-Bearer
Surrounded by woodland animals, Oh, Great Sage.
Join us Cernunnos and fill us with Wisdom, Sight and Magic!"
(lower Tool to chest height)

Gate Wardens lift their Tools high and close together.

Priest: "Manawydan! Lord of the Sea! Open the Gates wide!
Open our eyes! Open our ears! Open our Hearts!
By the Power of the One that is All,
By the Power of the Two Parents: the Mother and the Father,
By the power of the Three Realms: Land, Sea and Sky,
By the Power of the Four Directions: East, South, West and North,
We bid You, Manawydan: Open the Gates wide!"

(Gate Wardens slowly walk backward to their Altar.
Each turns and places their Tool on it's Altar in front of candle.
Each bows down and prays for a moment.)

5a. Optional: Invoke Special Deities of the Occasion

5b. Optional: Invoke Math, if magic is to be employed

Priest finishes praying at Llew's Altar, walks around Central Altar (Deosil) to Altar
of Cernunnos. Bends down. Asks Cernunnos' help and permission to borrow Wand.
Picks up Wand and walks between Well and Fire to Bilé.
Holds wand near top of Bilé, not touching it.

Lord Math! Math ap Mathonwy! (mat-tun-OO-ee)
Brother of Don, who is Mother of the Gods.
Master of Magic and teacher of Great Gwydyon.
You who stopped Pebleg the powerful at the Battle of Trees.
(Pick up the incense)

I offer you rare incense
(pour incense onto Fire)
along with my praises.
put down incense)

You, whose power is so great,
You must keep your feet from touching the Earth.
Great Math!
(touch Wand to top of Bilé)

I, (Priest's name), Call you here to share your Magic
I invoke you, Math ap Mathonwy
In this Sacred Circle.
(take Wand back to Altar of Cernunnos)

E. Exchange

1. Praise Offerings, Dance, Libations, etc.

Priest: (Stays at South Altar)
Welcome to the Gods and Goddesses! Welcome to the Ancestors and the Sidhe!

To all those who have gathered by our Fire, we invite you to join us now in worshipping
our Matrons and Patrons of this holy Rite with gifts of our labor, our love and our praise.
Let's lift up our voices in praise and let the Fire and Well carry our gifts to the Gods!

Are there any here who would like to make an offering now?

(offerings are made)

2. The Sacrifice & Prayer of Acceptance

Priest: Everyone, Please direct your energy and love to the Fire.
(Fire Tender pours a little Whisky into glass of spirits)

Great Gods and Goddesses! Please accept our sacrifices with all the love and respect
that we offer them to You. We all send you our love and energy now!
Gadael hi bod! (All: Gadael hi bod!)

(Fire Tender pours glass of spirits into Fire)

3. Seeking the Omen of Return

Seer goes to Cernunnos' Altar

Lord Cernunnos!
Sage of the Forest!
Guide my hand and tell us how to accept the Blessings of the Gods!

Seer draws three stones: Preparation, Action, Potential

Seer interprets the Omen

4. Meditation upon Personal and Group Needs

Let's take a moment to think about what this could mean in your own life.
How can you use the Blessings of the Gods to fulfill your needs?
And how can we as a Spiritual community grow from these Blessings?
What must we do to make them grow in our Groves?

5. Reception of Blessings from Deities

(Ps picks up Pitcher, Ps & P walk to Central Altar)
P pours Whisky into glass, adds Oak & Mistletoe
Ps pours water into Goblet
Hold them up high.

P: Please join hands and concentrate all of your energies into these vessels.

Ps: Loving Gods and Goddesses!
You have accepted our sacrifices of love and praises
We ask you now to send us your Blessings
Send your Blessings down into these Waters of Life.
Gadael hi bod! (All: Gadael hi bod!)

6. Consecration and Sharing the Waters of Life

P & Ps: Behold! The Waters of Life! (All: The Waters of Life!)

P: This is Whisky, charged with tinctures of Oak and Mistletoe, our sacred plants.
Behold! The Waters of Life! (Ps: The Waters of Life!)

(P gives to Ps - She drinks - gives back - He drinks)

Ps: This is pure water, charged with the water of nine sacred Rites.
Behold! The Waters of Life! (P: The Waters of Life!)

(Ps gives to P - He drinks - gives back - She drinks)

Ps: Drink either or both or pour a little onto the Earth, or into the Fire, as you will.

7. Acceptance of Individual Blessings

P & Ps offer the glass and Goblet to each Celebrant saying:
"Behold! The Waters of Life!"

Celebrant says: "The Waters of Life!" and drinks.

(After all celebrants have drunk)

P: When we share a drink with the Gods we remind ourselves that we are always sharing their Blessings. Accept their Blessings in Love and Gratitude!

8. Optional: Spell Casting

9. Optional: Rite of Passage

F. Farewells

1. Thank Entities Invited, in Reverse Order

a. Optional: Math

b. Optional: Special Deities of the Occasion

c. Gate Warden 1 walks to Brid's Altar - Faces East (everyone does)

I face the East, Inspiring Bhrid.
The kiss of Spring is your sweet daughter.
Your healing love pours over me,
Like a Cup of cool, refreshing water.
(Pick up Chalice)

As new day dawns I feel your love,
With promises of new beginnings,
New ways to serve and new rewards,
I'm filled with fresh anticipation.
(Pick up candle)

Gate Warden 2 walks to Llew's Altar - Faces South (everyone does)

I face the South, Oh, Skillful Llew.
The Summer's sunshine is your gaze.
Your bright, hot fires ignite my passion.
Like a well-made Knife, joyfully used.
(Pick up Knife)

At midday now, I feel your joy,
For jobs to do, rewards to earn,
To do my best and better still,
I'm happy now to play and learn.
(Pick up candle)

Gate Warden 3 walks to Modron's Altar - Faces West (everyone does)

I face the West, Oh Great Modron,
And Autumn's rich abundant land.
I'm thankful for your precious prizes.
You cut down life, new life arises.
(Pick up Sickle)

As day is done, with jobs complete,
Projects finished or cut short
It's time to stop and gather up,
I'm grateful for your gifts to me.
(Pick up Candle)

Gate Warden 4 walks to Cernunnos' Altar - Faces North (everyone does)

I face the North, Wise Cernunnos,
Sharp and crisp as Winter's night.
Oh, Shaman of the Greenwood host
Teach me how to guide my Sight.
(Pick up Wand)

At Midnight with no light to see,
Beliefs create reality.
Guide my Soul and set it free,
I'm filled with Spirit's mystery.
(Pick up candle)

All 4 walk to Central Altar:

Thank you for attending our Rite.
(Put tools down on Altar)
Farewell and Bright Blessings!
(Blow out candles)

All: "Farewell and Bright Blessings!"

2. Thank Three Kindreds

<Triad Invoker 1 picks up the Bowl of Earth>

Spirits of Nature, the Sidhe, and the Fey,
We thank you for attending our Rite,
And for Blessing us, Guiding us and Inspiring us, as always.
We Love, Honor and Respect You,
And we bid You, 'Farewell and Bright Blessings',
('Farewell and Bright Blessings'!)

<Triad Invoker 2 picks up the Bowl of Water>

Mothers and Fathers, Old Ones, and Ancestors,
We thank you for attending our Rite,
And for Blessing us, Guiding us and Inspiring us, as always.
We Love, Honor and Respect You,
And we bid You, 'Farewell and Bright Blessings',
('Farewell and Bright Blessings'!)

<Triad Invoker 3 picks up the Bowl of Incense>

Bright and Shining Gods and Goddesses,
We thank you for sanctifying our Rite,
And for Blessing us, Guiding us and Inspiring us, as always.
We Love, Honor and Respect You,
And we bid You, 'Farewell and Bright Blessings', ('Farewell and Bright Blessings'!)

(Triad Invokers return to their Altars)
(P & Ps walk around Central Altar to North side of Bilé)

3. Thank Manawydan & Close the Gates

Priest: "Manawydan, son of Llyr, brother of Bran and Branwen,
Faithful friend of Pryderi and Husband of Rhiannon,
We thank you for your Divine assistance,
And ask you to now close the Gates.

4. Honor Don and An Dagda

P & Ps stand before the Candles
All: Receptive Mother
Forceful Father
We are One.
Gadael hi bod!
All: Gadael hi bod!
(Return to Circle - Hold hands)

5. Closing Chant

People of the Oak - 1 time

6. Final Benediction

P: Go now, Children of the Earth, in peace and blessings.
Ps: The Rite is Ended!
P & Ps: Gadael hi bod!
(All: Gadael hi bod!)
(Priest throws powder onto Fire)

7. Musical Signal

Fire Tender leads celebrants from Nyfed with Torch


Page Information:
"General Welsh Liturgy." submitted by dafydd on 15 Maio, 2019. Last modified on 19 Fevereiro, 2022.
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