Janus the Opener
Janus the Opener
God of two faces, Janus the opener,
open the gates for our offerings,
seen by you,
to pass through into the arms of the Kindreds,
of the Deities, of the Ancestors, of the Spirits.
Open the gates for the gifts of the Kindreds to pass through into our lives,
the gifts of the Deities, of the Ancestors, of the Spirits,
our words, our sacrifices, our freely-poured out libations bringing in response
blessings, powers, and long-continued life.
Open the gates, Janus Patulcius,
open them in return for this sweet-smelling incense.
Janus be my guide to the holy;
open the gateway, god of gates.
by Ceisiwr Serith (David Fickett-Wilbar)
Page Information:
"Janus the Opener." submitted by CeisiwrSerith on 23 Maio, 2020. Last modified on 23 Maio, 2020.
Page URL: https://www.adf.org/pt-br/ritual-categories/gatekeeper/janus-opener
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