Litany for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina

Litany for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina

I've written a 12-part offering module for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. It can be used as either: 1) a small, individual ritual of offering, or 2) as the central part of a full group ritual (probably best used with the Roman ritual template).

The most appropriate offering would be wine, although offerings of spelt or incense would be appropriate, too. For those who prefer to Latinize their litanies, an appropriate response would be (for each deity) "Macte esto," meaning (literally) "be increased"... or "be blessed" if you're less literal. The idea is that we offer prayers and wine/grain/incense/whatever to increase the capacity of the deities to bless us and/or respond to our pleas for intercession in return.

Janus Pater, God of Beginnings, to those who have lost their homes and their communities:

May You provide new beginnings, new homes, new jobs, and new friends to fill the empty places of those that were lost.

Hear our plea, Janus Pater.

Tellus Mater, Mother Earth, to those whose loved ones have died and who are burdened by unimaginable losses, finding themselves like refugees in their own country:

May You provide comfort in the embrace of your loving arms.

Hear our plea, Tellus Mater.

Neptunus Pater, Provider of Fresh Water, to those areas inundated and polluted by flood water, debris and sewage:

May You allow levees to be repaired, debris to be removed and help draw back the unclean waters and refresh those flooded areas with clean, pure water.

Hear our plea, Neptunus Pater.

Fortuna Redux, Fortune, the Home-bringer, to those who fled their homes and inundated cities, who wonder if they will ever be able to return home or if they even have a home to return to:

May You keep them safe and steer them safely home when it is safe to return.

Hear our plea, Fortuna Redux.

Aesculapius, God of Healing, to those who are injured, those separated and searching for family, for those who have been traumatized:

May You be a healing presence in their lives for as long as it takes them to return to wholeness.

Hear our plea, Aesculapius.

Spes, Goddess of Hope, to those who return to homes battered by wind and engulfed by flood and to those who have no homes to return to:

May You provide hope that they may rebuild, reorganize, regroup and renew their homes and communities.

Hear our plea, Spes.

Mercurius, Protector of Travelers, to those who suffer on the streets or crowded into shelters, hot, weary, and fearful; to those who feel homesick and far away from loved ones and their homes at this time:

May You provide the comfort of safe homes, rest and hospitality for as long as it is needed, comforting families and friends across the distance.

Hear our plea, Mercurius.

Ceres Mater, Provider of the Fruits of Earth, to those who have lost all material possessions; to the poor and those whose livelihoods have been lost or impaired by this disaster; to those whose workplaces have become unsafe and who face an uncertain future:

May You provide sustenance and restore prosperity as quickly as possible.

Hear our plea, Ceres Mater.

Mars Olloudius, Protector of the People, to those who are involved in rescuing people and those caring for the injured in hospitals and clinics:

May You sustain and protect them through this time of tremendous loss and stress.

Hear our plea, Mars Olloudius.

Quirinus, God of the Community, to those communities that have been devastated:

May You help them live and learn and support one another and have joy in their lives once again; may this disaster bring people together to rebuild their cities, and to fill their lives with justice, their plates with food and their streets with music.

Hear our plea, Quirinus.

Jupiter Stator, to the police, firefighters, FEMA employees, National Guard, Red Cross workers, disaster response coordinators, whose work is just beginning and will not end for many months:

May You strengthen and sustain them for service.

Hear our plea, Jupiter Stator.

Vesta Mater, Embodiment of the Hearth Flame, to all those with home and without:

May You warm their hearts, minds and bodies, bring them back to Your center.

Hear our plea, Vesta Mater.

Kindreds: Ancestors, Spirits and Gods, to each of us as we pray:

May it be Your will to be propitious to us; may distance not deter us from generous giving and enduring companionship.

Hear our plea, Great Kindred.


Page Information:
"Litany for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina." submitted by JenniHunt on 15 Mai, 2019. Last modified on 19 Februar, 2022.
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