A Daily Morning Bathroom Devotional and Meditation

A Daily Morning Bathroom Devotional and Meditation

Items needed: a sink with water, a towel for drying, a candle (preferably unscented but this is a personal choice), matches, and an image of your Sacred Tree. Arrange these on your bathroom counter as you feel works best due to your counter space.

To start take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes lightly and breathe in through your nose to fill your lungs. Hold that breath for a moment, then breathe out through your mouth. Repeat this a few time until you feel that your mind is clear and you are relaxed.

Once you feel relaxed, pick up the matches and light the candle on the bathroom counter. Slightly close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine the flames within you and around you as you say:


"Sacred Flames of the Sky,
Burn strong within me,
Cleanse my body, mind and spirit anew."


After you feel the flame burning within you, let the waters flow into your hands. Close your eye slightly, take a deep breath, and imagine the waters flowing through you, then wash your face after you say:


"Sacred Waters of the Deep,
Wash away my impurities,
Cleanse my body, mind and spirit anew."


Once you are finished, and have dried your face, close your eyes lightly and breathe in through your nose to fill your lungs again. Hold that breath for a moment, then breathe out through your mouth. Repeat this a few times until you feel that your mind is clear and you are relaxed again. Now, imagine your Sacred Tree growing deep into the ground and sprouting high above after you say:


"Sacred Tree of all the Worlds,
Grow within me as I learn.
Plunge my roots deep Below as I ascend high Above."


Once you are done, extinguish the flame of the candle. Unless this is the permanent place for these items, clean up the space and continue with your daily life.


Page Information:
"A Daily Morning Bathroom Devotional and Meditation." submitted by johnedwards79 on 15 Mai, 2019. Last modified on 19 Februar, 2022.
Page URL: https://www.adf.org/de/rituals/general/bathroom-devotional.html

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