A Prayer for Ferguson and After

A Prayer for Ferguson and After

A Prayer for Ferguson and After

I call for nine blessings on the nations of America.
On the transplanted, on the remnant, on the deep-rooted,
on men and women and every child let there be nine blessings.

First a Blessing of the Well. Let the land and the nation give to each the fullness of sustenance. Let us remember that we are all one tribe, and that the Well must serve us all.
Second a blessing of the Fire. Let us all come together at one hearth in our hearts. Though we dwell apart, let there be a fire of welcome in our hearts for one another.
Third a blessing of the Tree. We are many families, many clans, many colors and tongues. Yet our roots drink from the same Well, our faces are warmed by the same Sun. Let us stand together in that joy and peace.
For it is only by living as one people that we can have peace.

But let there be Justice, and True Dealing, and Wise Reform.
Let force be leashed for the common good.
Let arrogance be quelled. Let prejudice be schooled. Let the bully’s heart be softened.
Let poverty and desperation be relieved.
Let ignorance be scorned. Let diligence be praised. Let generosity overcome judgment.
Let old ways be cast aside.
Let the Clubs of Old Boys be thrown open, the Codes of past centuries be discarded, let locked arms be opened. Let the people’s strength stand against that which harms the people.
For it is only by living as one people that we can have peace.

But let there be Kinship, and Forbearance, and a New Heart
Let us forgive the errors of the Dead.
Many were fools, racists, exploiters of their fellows.
Many killed for their gain, and allowed killing.
The wealth of our tribe is built on this slaying.
It is fit to speak truth in love.
Let us forgive the errors of the Dead;
Those who raged in violence;
Those who mistook vengeance for justice;
Those who taught hatred to their children.
Let rage and spite be the rot that feeds the tree of wisdom.

For we all live on One Earth, drinking from One Well, standing at One Fire.
So let it be kinship, my kin!
Let it be Euro and African, Asian and Islander, pale and red and ebony and every kind of beauty.
Let it be forbearance, that we remember and set aside, that we open our lives to one another.
Let it be a New Heart, and an end to old fear.
I call for nine blessings on the nations of America.
For it is only by living as one people that we can have peace.
So let it be peace.

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