The ADF Elections

The ADF Elections

Hello, Fellow Druids!

Our ADF General Elections have just come to a close and I want to thank each and every one of our members who voted for taking part in the process of building ADF. Each vote matters and some races were very close.

With this election, we will see some new faces in some positions and some familiar faces in others. We thank the people who put themselves out in the election as candidates. While not everyone was a winner, each candidate received the votes and approval of a number of members.

On the Mother Grove, we will have a number of people remaining and we will have one person leaving and another joining. For Rev. Caryn MacLuan, I want to thank you for your wisdom and service in your time on the Mother Grove. I have grown to admire you even more and I appreciate the help you have given to the Mother Grove, to ADF, and to myself. For Julie Desrosiers, our incoming Non-Officer Director, we will once again have an International member of the Mother Grove from Canada and we look forward to your place among us.

Service is a gift we give others and I want to thank all of the people in all of the positions, old and new, for continuing their service to not only ADF, but to the Earth Mother, the Kindreds, and Isaac’s Vision as we move into the future, fast as a speeding oak.


Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano

Archdruid, ADF


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