In Memoriam - Margot Adler

In Memoriam - Margot Adler

Margot Adler, 1946-2014

The world received very sad news this morning about the death of Margot Adler today, July 28, 2014. We are all in shock and mourning to hear of her passing.

Her seminal book, “Drawing Down the Moon,” arrived on the pagan scene back in the 1970’s, with updates made to it over the following decades. Her documentation of the early pagan scene is still a fascinating and amazingly useful book for anyone who wants to understand where we came from and how we got to be where we are today. It is still a primary resource for members of ADF who are pursuing the ADF Dedicant Path.

I only had the privilege of meeting Ms. Adler once, when we served together on a panel at the Sirius Rising Festival at Brushwood Folklore Center in New York State a couple of years ago. Her energy was enormous, as was her presence. She had the ability to see right to the core of an issue, and was obviously a prodigious intellect. 

With her death, modern paganism has lost a strong, passionate, and intelligent advocate and chronicler. She will be greatly missed.

Rev. Kirk Thomas

ADF Archdruid

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