*** Opened channel log for #adf at 24/06/2014 7:57:17 PM [19:57] *** Owlhawk (Owlhawk@cf983e33.cpe.net.cable.f33844f1.com.hmsk) has joined #adf [19:57] *** Topic is: Welcome to the chat for Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF). Find out more about us at http://www.adf.org [19:57] *** Topic set by ChanServ!services@services.sorcery.net on Sat Jun 21 10:03 PM [19:57] *** Mode change [+o Owlhawk] on #adf by ChanServ [19:58] Hello Owlhawk [19:58] [Owlhawk] hello [19:58] *** SaraKBlackwelder (Mibbit@6e188568.tampfl.fios.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has joined #adf [19:58] Hello Sara [19:58] Good evening all! [19:58] [Owlhawk] 'ello? [19:58] [Owlhawk] ! [20:05] *** rovena (rovena@6ca5ecc2.a55580.67.143.imsk) has quit IRC [Remote host closed the connection] [20:05] *** RobHenderson (chatzilla@5a79652d.hsd1.mi.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has joined #adf [20:05] *** Brendan (Mibbit@d098f84f.hsd1.mi.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has joined #adf [20:06] *** rovena (rovena@6ca5ecc2.a55580.67.143.imsk) has joined #adf [20:06] Looks like the Firefox IRC plugin works. Hi all! [20:06] Hi Rob [20:06] [Owlhawk] Good to know, hello Rob [20:06] *** Mode change [+o rovena] on #adf by ChanServ [20:06] The Mibbit client on the Web site stopped working for me a few weeks ago. [20:07] [Owlhawk] it's been odd since I started using it. I'm using Visual IRC so I can log the chats. [20:10] So what is everyone up to tonight? [20:10] [Owlhawk] Watching the last World Cup match from this afternoon that I didn't see. CBC has them available to see. [20:11] Watching a documentary on PBS about the Freedom Summer, and not doing my homework. >8) [20:11] [Owlhawk] since they are showing the NHL awards instead of the game they advertised@! [20:11] Ivory Coast-Greece was the better match, certainly. [20:11] *** Jfelicidad (AndChat130@ddfb1266. has joined #adf [20:11] Hello [20:12] Hi rovena [20:12] [Owlhawk] It was wonderful. I loved watching it, especially as a Hellenic! [20:12] I was going to comment on how none of the teams qualifying from the first four groups were from Europe, and they had to go and invalidate the statement. >8) [20:13] Though I forgot the Netherlands as well. [20:13] [Owlhawk] lol [20:15] [Owlhawk] I'm disappointed in England's performance, but not surprised. This looks to be an America's World Cup. [20:16] [Owlhawk] Although Germany might slip in there... [20:16] *** Drum (Mibbit@184d56a6.hsd1.mi.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has joined #adf [20:16] Hi Drum! [20:16] Hello Drum [20:16] Hello!!! [20:16] Yep, the home hemisphere advantage. [20:17] and everyone starts coming in. Hello all. [20:17] Howdy Drum [20:17] :D [20:17] [Owlhawk] hello Drum [20:17] *** Mode change [+o Drum] on #adf by ChanServ [20:17] Hello, Owlhawk! and everyone. How are you all? [20:18] [Owlhawk] Good. Drinking a glass of Loki [20:18] having a lazy tuesday on a shortened work week. yay for forced vacation. [20:18] [Owlhawk] lol [20:18] it was either book them, or have them booked for me. so i'm off until sunday [20:19] finished my homework and getting ready to curl up with "The Festival of Lughnasa" by Màire MacNeill [20:19] Oooo [20:19] [Owlhawk] You could have booked so you could go to KG ImBoden... [20:19] yeah, should have. [20:19] [Owlhawk] I'm currently taking 5 cases, that might go up... [20:19] Ok, finishing up work.....is how is everyone tonight? [20:19] [Owlhawk] and you definitely should [20:19] but also this gives me a chance to reset my sleep schedule for Thursday when i have info session and aptitude testing for Toronto Transit Commission [20:20] [Owlhawk] lol [20:20] [Owlhawk] good luck with that. [20:20] Nothing like being in Toronto for 07:30, when i'm normally 2-3 hours into my sleep [20:20] thanks [20:20] I can see that being an issue. [20:23] so what is everyone working on? how was the solstice for you? [20:23] [Owlhawk] quiet. I forgot to get anything ready, so had a quiet weekend. [20:24] Nice ritual and nice weather, just sad we only had ten people show up. [20:24] Solstice was pretty great. I clicked with the Nature Spirits big time for the first time ever and wrapped up my last COoR rite for the DP. [20:25] [Owlhawk] althought I got given a computer system today! [20:26] [Owlhawk] well done Brendan [20:26] I am usually happy about 10 people showing up to our rituals :) [20:26] My Solstice was excellent! I spent it with Shining Lakes Grove :) [20:26] good job Brendan! [20:26] We had 10 really good people! [20:26] we had 9 at ours and the majority were guests! cool thing is one lady joined up ADF the next day, so hopefully she will like it here :) [20:27] Thanks! [20:27] Excellent Sara! [20:28] I was pretty happy she felt like it would be a good fit for her. And I LOVE guests coming to ritual [20:30] I am blessed to have a grove so close by. I remembe5r many years of solo rituals, which were fine as well [20:31] After talking to Rob and Drum I am pretty excited to check out SLG myself. I've been a solo pagan for way too long. [20:31] [Owlhawk] Solo rituals are the norm for me, I only get group rits at fests. [20:31] I enjoy having a group to meet up with for ritual on the High Days. I'm not the solitary type myself though....like people too much! [20:31] Yay1 [20:32] Me too, Sara [20:33] *** conFelicidad (AndChat130@ddfb1266. has joined #adf [20:33] *** Jfelicidad (AndChat130@ddfb1266. has quit IRC [Read error: Connection reset by peer] [20:34] What kind of omens do you take on your high days, folks? [20:34] !Bienvenidos! [20:34] [Owlhawk] I'm still using Runes as I have yet to make a Greek Alphabet Oracle... [20:35] Got Twilight from the Ninefold Oracle [20:35] we did runes, because that's what I am best with (yes Drum I actually did it!!!) and we had overall good omens [20:36] [Owlhawk] Good for you Sara. I'm still figuring out how to read the omen [20:36] Yay! [20:37] Gebo was the acceptance of the sacrifices, and the blessings were Hagalaz from Shining Ones, Algiz from Ancestors, and Jera from Nature Spirits...the Hagalaz was interesting, I interpreted as it being about a destruction and refining of ourselves and the group (lots of us have been having rough times) but that we will be protected and... [20:37] will harvest the rewards of our perseverance. We just need to stand strong and keep plugging away. :) I feel that is always a good reminder [20:38] I usually stick with ogham. [20:39] Ogham here too [20:40] I just got a Yew set from Caitlin that I use for Ancestor work and I have a Manzanita set she made for me that I use for most High Days. [20:40] [Owlhawk] I'm still working on moving from the book interpetation of each rune to an acutal reading form, for example, 3 runes. [20:41] I'm shocked that I have even been able to learn how to read the runes as much as I do.....it is a major improvement, though there is still room for lots of improvement! [20:41] [Owlhawk] that never ends Sara [20:42] [Owlhawk] I used, long ago, to be able to read Tarot...no more. [20:43] I sometimes surprise myself with how much tarot I remember. [20:44] :) [20:44] [Owlhawk] I haven't tried since about 1995 or 1996... [20:45] [Owlhawk] I would have to start over again [20:45] I tried Tarot and Runes but they just didn't click. I found an Ogham set on Etsy and the second I held them in my hand I knew it was the right thing for me. [20:46] [Owlhawk] Fantastic to hear. that's a rare thing, I've found. most people need to try multiple systems [20:46] Excellent, Brendan [20:46] 'Ello, all [20:47] [Owlhawk] 'ello treeblood\ [20:47] How's you this week? [20:48] I tried tarot, and looked at ogham a bit, but runes are what clicked for me [20:48] [Owlhawk] I was given a computer system today, printer, sound... for nothing! [20:49] Excellent, Owlhawk! [20:49] That's awesome Owlhawk [20:50] [Owlhawk] Lady from Kayley's church. She got a laptop, and is downsizing from a 3 bedroom house to a one bedroom condo, so I got the desktop system. Kayley claimed the printer for her laptop already... [20:50] [Owlhawk] I cleaned up her new laptop, including, assuming all went well after I left, removing some malware she had as thanks. [20:52] [Owlhawk] She acutually asked me what she owed me, even after she gave me a full system! That's why I aim my business at seniors! [20:52] Nice! [20:52] Very nice [20:53] [Owlhawk] A Really nice lady, and a friend of my mom and dad's, as they share the same church as the wife. [20:54] so what is everyone working on between the High Days? [20:55] Me, I've got the entire month of July off and I'm looking to finish a 120,000 word manuscript. [20:56] I've got about 75,000 words left. [20:56] [Owlhawk] good work. hope you have a good editor! [20:56] It's well outlined, so I'm not too worried. [20:56] great! [20:56] Not as of yet, but I hope so. :) [20:56] Shooting for Tor. [20:56] I am working on putting a script together for my Dedicant Oath for Lughnasadh. [20:57] Trying to keep lessons interesting for my protogrove and work on my DP [20:58] what kind of lessons do you do Rovena? [20:59] Everything. My husband is starting a series of meditations, this coming week is ancestor veneration. [20:59] very cool! [20:59] Try to have a variety of things to rotate so people don't get bored [21:00] ;0 [21:00] :) [21:00] I want to get the locals together more often. Everyone is always so busy, it's hard to make it so [21:01] We meet weekly and most make it every week [21:02] do you meet in a public place? [21:02] Yes. the local U U church [21:02] I am a member there so we get it for free [21:03] that would be easier [21:03] About once a quarter we have to meet elsewhere as it gets rented out [21:04] Yes a public meeting place is ideal but very hard to come by [21:05] Public is easy, it's public and affordable that's hard. >8) [21:05] Public isn't easy down here. Most won't allow pagan groups at any price [21:06] so true.....the public and affordable is tough. I'm thinking of the library or a Panera or something [21:06] that's also true Rovena. We are lucky in that we are in a urban area, if I were a bit further in the country it might be more difficult [21:07] I can understand that. [21:08] In Ann Arbor, everyone is so obsessed about appearing to be multicultural and pro-diversity, even the churches will went space to us. [21:08] We can't keep a pagan shop open [21:09] [Owlhawk] I don't dare even try in Grey and Bruce Counties. Most of them up here have never heard of Paganism outside of the bible. [21:11] The only thing we can take part in is World Religion Day but even then the local news media won't show us on the news [21:13] Christian prayer is still come at government and school functions [21:13] oh yea, prayer is big around here at school functions for sure [21:14] [Owlhawk] same here. [21:15] *** Brendan (Mibbit@d098f84f.hsd1.mi.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has quit IRC [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] [21:16] I'm off, in an attempt to at least start my homework. Night all! [21:16] Night Rob [21:16] [Owlhawk] good luck! good night! [21:17] *** RobHenderson (chatzilla@5a79652d.hsd1.mi.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has quit IRC [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 30.0/20140605174243]] [21:17] Night, Rob! [21:18] Well, my pager wants me to call work...talk to you all later! [21:18] Night Drum [21:18] [Owlhawk] good night Drum [21:19] night Drum [21:21] [Owlhawk] so, next topic? [21:22] Good Question [21:24] [Owlhawk] Any DP questions? [21:26] Just trying to find the time to do everything. [21:27] [Owlhawk] lol. that never ends, even after you finish! [21:28] *** Drum (Mibbit@184d56a6.hsd1.mi.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has quit IRC [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] [21:29] Yeah, working fulltime, helping with the protogrove, and DP which will be the first of a series of study programs [21:30] Rovena, where are you from? [21:31] I'm from Washington County, UT, where Zion National Park resides [21:31] Born and raised in St Louis area but living in NW Louisiana for the last 26 yrs [21:31] and is the only thing that ensures that caffeine exists in grocery stores and any restaurants survive [21:31] Ah, okay [21:32] Yeah, I can see how paganism would be hard to keep alive. [21:32] *alive there. [21:32] Poor wording on my part: I can see how it would be hard to have a public group or a pagan store. [21:32] Understood what you meant [21:32] 80% of the leadership in the county is Mormon even if the population is about 60% [21:33] We have a decent size pagan community but 99% are in the closet [21:33] Scared to be seen any where that might be seen as pagan [21:33] [Owlhawk] To a certain extent, that is understandable... [21:34] Yes but until we are out of that closet we will never get our rights [21:35] Aye. Good luck to you there. [21:36] [Owlhawk] but coming out is still a dangerous move [21:36] [Owlhawk] some, including me some days, are still cautious about it [21:36] Especially for people with children [21:37] it is a concern with children, but we have to start somewhere. I just try to be the best mom I can and hope no one gets stupid [21:37] I don't shout about my faith but I don't hide it. It took years for me to feel safe in my job and even now most prefer to think of me as U U instead of pagan [21:38] Down here being non-Christian of any type can cost you your kids in a divorce case [21:38] [Owlhawk] it helps that you are in , what appears to be, a good region Sars. [21:38] [Owlhawk] Sara [21:38] Lwayers ate always sending their non-religious clients to U U wile custody is pending [21:39] ate = are [21:39] [Owlhawk] Until I joined ADF I had never heard of UU. [21:39] well, somewhat. it does depend on exactly where you are [21:39] ok, I'm beat. have a good night all! [21:39] Good Night Sara [21:39] [Owlhawk] Good night Sara, Kayley says hello and good night as well. [21:40] *waves hi* night! [21:40] *** SaraKBlackwelder (Mibbit@6e188568.tampfl.fios.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has quit IRC [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] [21:40] [Owlhawk] *Thank you* [21:44] I need to run as well. Take care until we meet again. [21:45] [Owlhawk] good night rovena [21:45] *** rovena (rovena@6ca5ecc2.a55580.67.143.imsk) has left #adf [21:45] [Owlhawk] alright, next topic??? [21:50] [Owlhawk] ANYONE???? [21:50] Hmm... [21:51] Sorry, I'm in and out due to chores at home [21:51] I work long shifts the next seven days x_x [21:51] What spirits do you interact with, Owlhawk? [21:52] [Owlhawk] I'm mainly Hellenic in focus, and Deity focused at that, so Zeus, Hera, Deo, Aphrodite, Athena, [21:52] Mm, gotcha. [21:53] I have a friend named Conor in the DFW area who's a part of Hellenion, awesome guy [21:53] Me, I've got three triads (Norse, British Isles, and Vedic) thanks to UPG [21:53] as well as a range of spirits both personal and local. [21:55] [Owlhawk] I don't tend to work with individual spirits so much as the Theoi. They are my primary focus. [22:05] *** ImBoden (imboden@91924fd9.cpe.net.cable.f33844f1.com.hmsk) has quit IRC [Quit: Leaving] [22:07] *** Raggiedmon is now known as Liath [22:07] [Owlhawk] hello liath [22:08] Hello [22:10] [Owlhawk] Do you have any questions [22:10] [Owlhawk] � [22:10] 'ello, Liath [22:15] Well, g2g for now [22:15] Be back in a half hour or so [22:17] [Owlhawk] good night. I`ll likely be gone by then, but you never know. [22:17] [Owlhawk] any questions or topics� [22:32] *** treeblood (Mibbit@15efa23c.slkc.de83b96b.net.hmsk) has quit IRC [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] [22:40] *** JonathanLevy (Mibbit@c03b77f4.hsd1.or.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has joined #adf [22:40] *** JonathanLevy (Mibbit@c03b77f4.hsd1.or.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has quit IRC [Client Quit] *** Closed channel log for #adf at 24/06/2014 10:53:50 PM