Session Start: Tue Jun 04 19:42:14 2019 Session Ident: #adf 25[2019-06-04 19:42:14] * Now talking in: #adf 25[2019-06-04 19:42:14] * Owlhawk ( joins #adf 28[2019-06-04 19:42:14] * Topic is: Welcome to the chat for Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF). Find out more about us at  28[2019-06-04 19:42:14] * Topic set by ChanServ! at Mon Aug 03 08:55:47 2015 29[2019-06-04 19:42:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Owlhawk 29[2019-06-04 19:42:15] * #adf has modes: +nrt 29[2019-06-04 19:42:15] * #adf created on Fri May 24 18:37:54 2019 16[2019-06-04 19:46:59] <@Rovena> FYI, a storm front is developing just SE of me. If it moves, I could disappear unexpectedly. Just heavy rain 16[2019-06-04 19:47:18]  Evenin'! 16[2019-06-04 19:47:47] <@Rovena> Hello 16[2019-06-04 19:50:44] <@Rovena> How are you tonihgt? 16[2019-06-04 19:51:15]  I' A full answer would be rather lengthy and somewhat self-contradictory, so I'll settle for "I'm doing fine". :-) 25[2019-06-04 19:51:19] * jonathanallen ( joins #adf 16[2019-06-04 19:51:36]  Hello! 16[2019-06-04 19:51:42]  Hi jonathanallen! 16[2019-06-04 19:51:55] <@Rovena> Hello Jonathan 16[2019-06-04 19:52:22]  I am only going to be here for a short while. Are there any other pagan books you would recommend besides those on the approved reading list? 16[2019-06-04 19:53:48] <@Rovena> For the DP, those are it. What topic are you interested? 21[2019-06-04 19:55:16] <@Owlhawk> ok, stay safe Rovena 16[2019-06-04 19:55:25]  Pagan values regarding money. This topic seems to be a hot button issue, not just for pagans. 21[2019-06-04 19:55:43] <@Owlhawk> nothing on that topic, it tends not to be addressed by pagan books 25[2019-06-04 19:55:56] * StarQuake (Sol@sorcery-if5.nij.54.208.IP) joins #adf 16[2019-06-04 19:56:05] <@Rovena> Hello Starquake 16[2019-06-04 19:56:11]  Hello rovena 16[2019-06-04 19:56:18]  That is a shame. People fight over it. 16[2019-06-04 19:56:47]  I won’t be able to chat tonight but I will be reading, have a good night everyone 16[2019-06-04 19:57:02]  G2g 16[2019-06-04 19:57:02]  got to go, shopping. 26[2019-06-04 19:57:07] * jonathanallen ( parts #adf 16[2019-06-04 19:57:14]  And RL is pulling me away. I may be able to be here intermittently, but don't count on me.... 16[2019-06-04 19:57:30] <@Rovena> No problem 27[2019-06-04 20:01:56] * StarQuake (Sol@sorcery-if5.nij.54.208.IP) has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 27[2019-06-04 20:06:11] * @Rovena ( has quit IRC (Connection closed) 16[2019-06-04 20:07:25]  As for what jonathanallen said about money? I recall asking a friend, once, what the difference between pagan and new age was. He said, ten thousand dollars. That's a somewhat flip answer, but there's some truth lurking in it.... 25[2019-06-04 20:16:22] * NathanLarge ( joins #adf 16[2019-06-04 20:16:55]  Hello, both! 16[2019-06-04 20:17:02]  Hi NathanLarge! 16[2019-06-04 20:20:47]  Growing sunlight pulling people away from their computers more, I wonder. 16[2019-06-04 20:21:13]  Well, personally, it's more preparing for Three Rivers. :-/ 16[2019-06-04 20:21:52]  And computers being recalcitrant. 16[2019-06-04 20:24:14]  Ah. I need to get able to travel more to go to these festivals. All we can do this year is Summerland, and that primarily because our Grove helps run it. 25[2019-06-04 20:24:34] * Drum (Drum@sorcery-k25.mvm.241.72.IP) joins #adf 16[2019-06-04 20:24:39]  Evenin', Drum! 16[2019-06-04 20:24:53]  Evening!!! 16[2019-06-04 20:25:56]  Hi Drum, what's new? 21[2019-06-04 20:28:47] <@Owlhawk> 'ello 21[2019-06-04 20:29:13] <@Owlhawk> sadly Mouse I won't make Three Rivers this year 16[2019-06-04 20:30:53]  Aww, that's too bad Mouse! 16[2019-06-04 20:31:11]  Not too much new here. I am leaving for Three Rivers in a few days and am very excited about it 21[2019-06-04 20:31:24] <@Owlhawk> might want to read that again Drum.... 18[2019-06-04 20:31:26]  I meant too bad Owlhawk@ 21[2019-06-04 20:31:30] <@Owlhawk> lol 21[2019-06-04 20:31:43] <@Owlhawk> It is, but we lose too much income now 21[2019-06-04 20:32:32] <@Owlhawk> if we go. Don't think we'll make KG this year as well 16[2019-06-04 20:35:48]  I understand 21[2019-06-04 20:37:38] <@Owlhawk> Thank you 16[2019-06-04 20:45:02]  Found out my brother's family may visit us from CA right around Lughnasadh, very excited. May join us for the Games. 16[2019-06-04 20:45:25]  Excellent@ 16[2019-06-04 20:45:35]  Woo! 16[2019-06-04 20:48:10]  Speaking of which, public comment period for the Grove Games book is almost up. It'll be time to get that ready, soon. 16[2019-06-04 20:54:11]  :) 16[2019-06-04 20:54:21]  Three Rivers question? 16[2019-06-04 20:54:31]  Weather report/prediction? 16[2019-06-04 20:54:40]  Mosquitos with a chance of sun? 21[2019-06-04 21:00:13] <@Owlhawk>  16[2019-06-04 21:01:57]  sorry, but going off. limited time tonight. Be well, all. 27[2019-06-04 21:02:13] * NathanLarge ( has quit IRC (Quit:  - A hand crafted IRC client) 16[2019-06-04 21:14:40]  Looks pretty good! 16[2019-06-04 21:16:46]  Well, I need to start getting ready for my trip so I will say thank you and good night! 27[2019-06-04 21:17:20] * Drum (Drum@sorcery-k25.mvm.241.72.IP) has quit IRC (Quit:  - A hand crafted IRC client) 25[2019-06-04 21:29:44] * Beej (beej@sorcery-2ua.h71.50.71.IP) joins #adf 16[2019-06-04 21:30:09]  Wow. No one on chat tonight. 27[2019-06-04 21:47:22] * Beej (beej@sorcery-2ua.h71.50.71.IP) has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 25[2019-06-04 21:51:41] * StarQuake (Sol@sorcery-h9q.tna.56.172.IP) joins #adf 27[2019-06-04 21:52:03] * StarQuake (Sol@sorcery-h9q.tna.56.172.IP) has quit IRC (Quit: Igloo IRC: )